How to Score 250, 300, 350, 400 in JAMB 2022; JAMB The highest score Secrets

How to Score 250, 300, 350, 400 in JAMB 2022; JAMB High Score Secrets
How to Score 250, 300, 350, 400 in JAMB 2022; JAMB The highest score Secrets 

As Jilearners Network experts and tutors, we have decided to share some simple JAMB secrets that will help you score at least 200, 250, 300, 350, and 400 and no less than 180.

So this is our reveal of the secrets to scoring high in JAMB 2022 and scoring 250, 300, 350, and even 400 in the upcoming 2022 JAMB exam.

We are confident that you will enjoy this tutorial. Meanwhile, we urge you to return to to learn more and obtain additional study materials for your exams.

Now, let's get back to business. Let me quickly share with you how to get a high JAMB score in 2022 and how to get a good JAMB score in the 2022 JAMB exam.

However, before considering passing any exam exceptionally well, you must first identify the most common causes of failure in that exam and then propose solutions to those causes.

AMB Secrets on How to Score High in JAMB 2022

We will share just five JAMB secrets on how to score high in JAMB 2022 with you and if heed them, then scoring 250 to 300 will be a child’s play to you.

First Secret to Score 200 in JAMB 2022

  1. Take advantage of the Early Morning Study: It is not necessary to have sleepless nights just to cover up your textbook because you may end up stressing your brain.
  2. So what do you do then? This doesn’t mean you should not read at night, but it’s best to sleep at night to rest your brain and read early in the morning.
  3. How do you go about this? Immediately it is evening around 5 pm, take your dinner, take your bath, jot down the topics you will read for that day, and scan through the small.
  4. You can do that till 7 or 8 pm and then look for a cool place and sleep. Set an alarm to wake you up by 2 am. Start from this early hour of 2 and read till 6 am.

A  Secret to Score 250 in JAMB 2022

  • Test yourself always: It will be very difficult to determine your capacity without testing yourself. Engaging in frequent CBT tests will help you to know if you are actually improving or not.

Meanwhile, it is not all methods of test that will help you. Notwithstanding, there are several ways of testing yourself that will yield a positive.

The following are 2 ways to test yourself effectively and yield a positive result that will help you to score up to 350 in the 2022 JAMB exam.

  1. Using JAMB past questions and answers: Test yourself by trying to answer all the JAMB past questions on that subject.
  2. JAMB CBT practice app: The JAMB CBT app is a mobile app, or a computer software program that allows candidates to take JAMB Live-practice test as if they’re taking the real JAMB exam.

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How to Score 300 in JAMB 2022

Target your Weakness: Do not abandon that particular topic that is hard for you to understand and move ahead because that may happen to be the topic that most of the questions you will see will come from.

This is not just a guess talk, it is something a lot of people have experienced and end up shouting “chai!!!, I saw this thing but I didn’t read it”.

To maximize your chances, you must make sure to touch on all topics in your syllabus and study them intensively and effectively.

Twist Your Subjects: To achieve and boost your scores, you may choose to change your course to suit subjects that you know very well that will be simple for you to write and score well.

For example, if you are a science student that is very good in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and not too good in mathematics, and you are planning to apply for engineering which mathematics is compulsory for JAMB, then you can choose to avoid any engineering courses and go for medical courses that require biology instead.

We all know that no subject is simpler than the other, but it is very true that candidates must always understand some subjects better than they do in others. So the simpler your subjects, the higher your chances of scoring high.

Secrets on How to Score 350 in JAMB 2022

It will take extra work to score up to 350 in the JAMB exam. As such it is advisable to add the following tips with the ones listed earlier and work with them if you really want to score up to 350 in the 2022 JAMB exam.

  • Share your Time appropriately: You have 24 hours in a day and if you share this into three, you will have 8 hours each.

Now, you can use the first 8 hours to read, the next 4 hours to do your house chores, play, and so on, the remaining 4 hours for tutorial and classes, and the last 8 hours to sleep as recommended by medical experts.

If you can utilize your 8 hours of studies and the 4 hours of CBT class very well, then you can use 12 hours of your day to boost your scores to 350.

  • Prepare Your Brain, Body, and Mind Together: It is very important to prepare yourself academically, mentally, physically, and psychologically before going to write JAMB to avoid tension and fear.

So do not focus only on cramming the whole textbook and forget to train your mind to understand and align with the JAMB exam conditions.

What this simply means is that you should eat a good diet that will help your brain, do regular exercise to boost and keep your body system lively to avoid slumping, and also and also engage in live CBT practice tests to understand the JAMB examination conditions and reduce tension and anxiety.

Read Also: How To Score 400 In JAMB

Top Secrets on How To Score 400 in JAMB 2022

Do you know that there had never been any JAMB candidate that has scored up to 400 in JAMB before?

The highest JAMB score in history is that of Ibrahim Shamwifu from Kogi State that scored 399 in JAMB 2016.

So are you ready to break this record and score up to 400 in the 2022 JAMB? If yes, then here we go.

  1. Set a Goal of Breaking Record: This is a very tough decision that requires a very strong determination. Don’t ever think that it`s impossible to score 400.

There’s nothing more to the JAMB exam than intensive preparation. The better you prepare for JAMB, the better the results you will get.

So if you wish to score up to 400 in JAMB, then you have to set a goal for yourself. Such goals should include:

  1. Making all your time useful
  2. Setting studies as a priority
  3. Increasing your daily reading time
  4. Making and sticking to a reading timetable will help
  5. Lowering unnecessary activities
  6. Avoid procrastination and laziness, etc.

Pray To God and Believe:

If you only believe and rely on your strength, then you are wrong. Effective preparation by one’s strength can yield a result but preparing and relying on God will make it very simple and easy to achieve whatever you desire.

Now let’s consider a scenario where you have studied effectively but on the exam day, incidents like shock, sickness, or other happenings that can temporarily alter your brain functionality befalls you, do you think you can still deliver as you thought?

In all, we encourage you never to forsake God and never rely on doing expo to pass your JAMB exam.

Finally, we know you may not score up to 400, 350, or 300 in JAMB to be qualified for admission, but it is important to set your goals at scoring high in JAMB to increase your admission chances.

N/B: The higher your JAMB score, the easier your admission chances are, and the lower your JAMB score, the higher the chances of you not studying your dream course in your dream school.

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