They are as follows Or Is as follows - Which Is Correct

They are as follows Or Is as follows - Which Is CorrectThey are as follows Or Is as follows - Which Is Correct

 In this article not all or either but there are some different between two sentences is use. As it is stated in the article "they are as follows", "or  is as follows - which is correct". Does it follow between two sentences? As it is stated in the article "they are as follows", "or  is as follows". What does it follow?

English has made a mess of the verb tenses used for comparison. But you may never realize how the wrong verb tense can mess up your writing if you aren’t sure which tense to use.

Is or are is a question many of us have been asked. Which word to use is always a tough one to get right. So, what is the correct word? In short, it depends.

They are as follows: 1.


"They are as follows," writes Clayton.


They are as follows: It doesn't matter much either way.


Very briefly, they are as follows: Kickoffs are now from the 35-yard line, up from the 30-yard line.


They are as follows: On a tropical vacation they found "Jamaican hospitality" was "impossible to refuse" on that ganja-happy island.


They are as follows.


They are as follows:  Modulus difference.

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Explore whether 'as follow' or 'as follows' is the correct usage in a sentence. Learn the meaning of the idiom and the grammar rules governing its use through examples of its proper inclusion in a sentence. 

A New Set of Rules

After a student nearly failed most of his subjects in school, his parents made a new list of rules.

The new house rules are as follow:

  1. You are to come home directly after school.
  2. You are to do your homework.
  3. You are only allowed to use the Internet for one hour a day.

The student, realizing an opportunity, asked if he could prove there was a grammatical mistake in the rules, would his parents allow at least two hours of Internet a day until his grades improved? His father and mother, happy to see at least some interest in any subject, agreed.

The student said, 'The correct phrase is 'as follows,' never 'as follow'.' His father said, 'Impossible. There are many rules after 'as follow' so it should be 'they follow,' not 'it follows'.'

Who is correct?

What Does 'As Follows' Mean?

As follows means what comes next, or the things listed here, and is usually followed by a colon (:). It is used to list things. As follows is an idiom, a group of words used to signify or show detail.

  1. My position on the merger is as follows: we cannot merge until the new year.
  2. The two points of our meeting are as follows: to cut expenses while trying to improve staff morale.
  3. Her favorite books were as follows: Robinson Crusoe, The Invisible Man, and The Old Man and the Sea.
  4. My favorite color is as follows: blue.
  5. Their weekend plans are as follows: to clean the house, to mow the grass, and to relax.

Usage of 'As Follows' and 'As Follow'

'As follow' was used around 1815. Then is disappeared quickly out of use. Today, even the use of 'as follows' is in decline. Many people no longer use as follows, which seems unnecessary and repetitive:

Her favorite books were as follows: Robinson Crusoe, The Invisible Man, and The Old Man and the Sea.

Her favorite books were Robinson Crusoe, The Invisible Man, and The Old Man and the Sea.

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they are as follows meaning,they are as follows in a sentence,the details are as follows meaning,they are as follows synonym,they are as follows or followed,they are as follows punctuation,as follows or as below,please see as follows,as follows meaning,as follows or as follow,as below in a sentence,details are as follows,as follows in a sentence,as below meaning,the details are as below,as below email,is as follows meaning,is as follows synonym,is as follows example,the schedule is as follows meaning,details are as follows,my information is as follows,the link is as follows,the process is as follows,the details are as follows meaning,details are as follows in a sentence,details are as follows synonym,please find the details as follows,details are as follows or follow,details are as follows email,my contact details are as follows,my account details are as follows,  They are as follows Or Is as follows - Which Is Correct,as follows

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